Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Picks for Week of 01/27/2012

Hey folks, here are my picks.  Sorry for the aftermarketness of them, but I have been waylayed by yet another cold.  Just got over one and here I am on the beginning of another.  This has been one bad winter so far for me and colds!

RUT 755-765 Put Credit Spread;  ROI = 4.80%

SPX 1290-1300 Put Credit Spread; ROI = 3.73%

Weighted Average Return = 4.25%

I am looking to put the other legs on the RUT spread for a condor early tomorrow AM.  Possibly will try the same on the SPX Friday morning.  REMEMBER when we do this we are getting a quick cash grab if it is there.  Still need to be careful and not get burned.  use your probability calculators and SD markers and other indicators you use to get this in your favor as much as possible.

Happy trading and hope you all don't get what I have!!



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