Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Good Trading Rule Sheet

Hey guys,

Here is a link to a revamped site that looks promising.  Andrew Keene has been a trader for years.  He has put together a site that is part subscription and part free.  The free part has some good tools and a blog, but you will need to have Chrome or IE9 or Firefox to use them.

Anyway I was looking at his site via a Twitter feed and he had put up his trading rules.  They are a little different from mine, but I want to post them anyway because we do have some key similarities.  We both say to:

1.  Have a set of rules
2.  Live by those rules
3.  Never stray from those rules
4.  Have a plan
5.  Have a trading strategy

Here is the link to his site: http://keeneonthemarket.com/trading-tools/28-kotm-trading-rules

If you just want the link to Mr. Keene's site:  http://keeneonthemarket.com/

Happy Trading!


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