Monday, October 21, 2013

Latest blog post - Finally the shutdown is over!!!


Now that the Federal Government has temporarily averted the latest fiscal crisis we can start doing some options trading again.  Now there were some ideas out there, but none of them passed all our screening tests.  And remember our rule:  If it doesn’t pass all our screen tests then we don’t do the trade.

Here are some updates:

Facebook (FB) – Way back when, FB had an IPO.  That was a boon for the company but a short term bust for early investors.  When the IPO came out I recommended waiting until FB was below $25 and the closer to $20 the better.  Well, I bought 200 shares at $22.41 for a net investment of $4,482.  This past Friday I sold 100 Shares @ $51.17.  I made $635 on the trade and I still have 100 shares to sell at a later date.  The proceeds are now in cash waiting for the next opportunity.  I am looking at the Twitter IPO as a possibility, but I need to do further research.

Berkshire Hathaway Class B (BRK.B) – This stock I bought some time ago and have held it and watched the steady and slow growth of the value.  As with FB my valuation Berkshire has just doubled.  So now I have sold my stake in that as well.  I plan on getting back into this stock when it dips back down below $113.  This stock has stopped its upward turn and has entered a channel pattern between $112 and $118.

The VIX through the crisis hit high levels, way above 20.  This is good and bad.  Good in the sense that option prices started to rise.  Bad in the sense that directional trading is very difficult.  There were trends that did start to show but in the options markets our model did not give any trades to put on.






We still have our covered calls on Vivus and CBI again.

Symbol    Company       Stock     Option      Premium        Initial        Annualized





CBI     Chicago Bridge   $54.09   Nov65       .22       5,409.00          4.88%  

These are the completed covered call trades this year:

Symbol    Month     Premium   Month    Ann Month  Cum Prem   Cum An ROI
                                                      ROI          ROI

VVUS       January      $32          1.19%           14.35%                    $32            14.35%

VVUS      February     $63          2.35%           25.25%                    $95            21.30%

VVUS      March         $28          1.05%           12.56%                  $123            13.79%

VVUS      April           $29         1.08%            13.00%                  $152            17.04%

VVUS      May            $44          1.64%           11.51%                  $196            14.64%

VVUS      June            $16        0.597%             7.17%                  $212            15.84%          

VVUS      July             $20        0.747%             8.96%                   $232            14.86%      

VVUS     Aug             $33        1.233%             14.79%                  $265            14.85%     

VVUS     Sept             $28      1.046%              12.55%                   $293            10.95% 

VVUS     Oct              $31       1.158%             13.90%                   $324            12.11%

CBI          January       $50          1.12%            13.39%

CBI          March       $125         2.31%             27.73%                 $175             12.94%           

CBI          April         $230          4.05%            48.67%                  $405              7.14%

CBI         June             $45         0.831%             9.98%                  $450              8.42%

VVUS – My patience with VVUS is almost gone.  Despite getting licensing agreements and improving revenues, the net losses just keep seem to keep going and getting bigger.  We have lost 2/3 of our value and it looks like it will even go further before we can get out of the stock.  When the stock was channeling between a good high and a bad low I thought we could ride out the turbulence and eventually get back to even.               

CBI – We sold a put on this for November.  This acts like a covered call for the put side.  CBI looks like it is on another run up so this will be interesting to see how this runs.  Even if we get called away we will be making money on the trade as the strike price is above our entry price.    

This is the cumulative covered call results for 2013:

Symbol           Invested $       Option Prem     Call Away    Div     Total     Return

VVUS             $2,676.00        $ 324                                                    $324     9.90%

CBI                 $4,480.00        $   50                    $320                         $370    8.26%

CBI                 $5,409.00        $ 400                    $  91          $10.00    $501    9.35%

Totals            $12.925.00        $774                    $411          $10.00  $1,195  9.24%

So far we are having a good year with the covered call portfolio.  9.24% return is a good show for the year.  Based on cost we are doing well.  If we take total valuation we are in the hole, so that is bad.  Remember Phil Town’s Rule #2 !!!


Here are the two portfolios updated.

This portfolio is an income portfolio made up of 100 shares of each stock.  These stocks are some blue chips, some Business Development Companies (BDCs), Closed End Funds (CEFs) and some small caps that look like they will grow.  Some of these I have talked about before, some not.  I will give a brief note on each of them in the coming weeks:

Ticker Name                            Buy       Current      Div Pay           Div

                                                  Price      Price          Date                Yield  

PSEC   Prospect Capital             10.68      11.31       10/29/2013         11.96%

AGD   Alpine Global Dynamic    4.84        4.85       10/29/2013          7.43%

TCPC  TCP Capital                    15.28      16.51       08/29/2013          8.99%

MO      Altria                              34.26      35.86       01/10/2014          5.17%

T          ATT                                37.34      34.61       02/01/2014          4.82%

ARCP  Am. Realty Capital         16.69      13.35      12/15/2013          5.37%         

GLAD Gladstone Capital              8.98       8.96       10/31/2013          9.35%

STI    Sun Trust Bank                  29.37     34.67        12/14/2013          1.36%

WFC  Wells Fargo                        37.74     42.68       12/01/2013          3.18%

KKR KKR & Co Units                 20.77     22.84       11/21/2013          6.39%

Buy Price Portfolio Value =             $21,595.00

Current Price Portfolio Value =      $23,077.71

Gain/(Loss) So Far =                          $1,482.71

Portfolio Return =                                     4.49%

Dividends Received So Far =                 $505.85

Portfolio Return w/ Dividends =               9.21%


Current Prices as of 10/18/2013 Closing Price

We keep our dividend moat portfolio.  I have made the new portfolio as a way to show that a good return can come from another type of dividend model besides the moat philosophy.  All the new equities are well rated in their business area and are quite strong companies.  The financials look great so the dividend payout is relatively safe.  Also many of the new equities must pay out most of their earnings to keep their tax status.  Slow and steady climb with this portfolio.  This past week many of the stocks in the portfolio paid the quarterly dividend.  Total return is now over 8% with the portfolio portion at almost 7%.  This is great!  This portfolio is showing my primary philosophy with stocks – buy great companies on sale and then let them ride. 

Here is how Portfolio #2 shakes out:  


Ticker Name                            Buy       Current      Div. Pay                     

                                                  Price      Price          Date                Shares

 KO     Coke                                 36.89      39.05       01/01/2014         138.846

AGD   Alpine Global Dynamic     5.76        4.85       10/29/2013       1,014.104

AOD   Alpine Total Dynamic        4.37        4.16       10/29/2013      1,300.824

MO      Altria                                34.26      35.86       12/01/2013         154.513

INTC   Intel                                  22.87      23.88       12/01/2013         244.600

HIX    Western Asset Hi Inc II     10.53       9.40       11/22/2013         536.327      

MCD   McDonald’s                      91.74     95.20       12/15/2013           56.398

MSFT  Microsoft                          28.55     34.96       12/13/2013         185.384

JNJ      Johnson and Johnson         68.03    91.63        12/12/2013           72.603

PG       Proctor and Gamble           68.72    79.41        11/15/2013           73.638

Buy Price Portfolio Value =             $51,996.01

Current Price Portfolio Value =      $56,487.95

Gain/(Loss) So Far =                           $4,491.94

Dividends Received So Far =               $1,511.71

Total Return =                                         8.64%      


I am working on a Preferred Stock Portfolio.  It is still in the research phase, but I hope to have it up and running before the end of the year.  I am looking at this because these are a great way lock in a good rate of return – usually 6.5% to 7.5% for a period of years.




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DISCLAIMER:  Hashley Capital Management, LLC; as well as I are not giving any trading advice.  All data is historical in nature and is intended for use as an educational tool.  Trading in stocks and/or options is risky and can result in loss of capital. Stocks and options carry inherent risks and should be well researched before any buy/sell decision is made.   There is no attempt to sell any brokerage services or act as a broker or dealer by Hashley Capital Management, LLC.  Any forward looking comments on this blog are not attempts to solicit business for Hashley Capital Management, LLC and are the opinion of Hashley Capital Management only.  If you choose to follow the same path and invest in the strategies and trades used by Hashley Capital Management, LLC after doing your own due diligence, that is your decision and yours alone. 

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Twitter: @awagel01

Stocktwits:  awagel01

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