Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sorry - no trade for week ending April 5, 2012

Hey guys,

Sorry, there is not a trade put on this week.  Being a short week with the Good Friday Holiday I just couldn't find anything that my indicators said was a good bet. 

Tuesday would have been then day for a trade, and some things on my radar would have panned out profitable.  BUT - the indicators I use and rely on were mixed, so I didn't follow through with the trades.  This is when a system gets fully tested.  When you see things that popped up on your radar, but you didn't execute.  The second guessing starts and you say to yourself "Dang!!! I coulda had a bunch of profit here if I had only put through one of these trades!!"  THIS is when you really need to trust your system and your indicators.  I went 12 -13 in the first quarter by following my indicators, and the lone loss was my fault not the indicators when I entered in the trade as a call instead of the put the indicators were telling me.
Woulda shoulda coulda doesn't make for a profitable trader - finding a system that works for you and following that system is what makes a profitable trader.  We are following our system and will hit it next week.  One of my maxims is:  "I would rather make $1 than lose $1."  We put that into practice this week.  Or as Phil Town says:  Rule #1 is to make money.  Rule #2 is not to lose the money you just made.  Rule #3 is when in doubt refer to rules #1 and #2.

We will hit it again next week and hopefully find a trade with a high probability for success.



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