Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ok yall, I promised these a while ago and here they are.  This is my list of trading rules.  This is a dynamic list and changes from time to time. Periodically I will repost this with changes if any.  If there is a major change then I will alert you.  But I think there will not be many of those. 

If  you want to leave any comments, great.  Or you can email or Twitter me as well.

I am looking to put a little more analysis of the trades I do.  Now that you have my rules you can see some rhyme to my reason

1.       I trade weekly options almost exclusively. 
2.       Rarely I will trade covered calls, with a minimum 4.5% monthly profit target
3.       My weekly profit margin target is 3.5% floor
4.       Use mainly credit spreads, but RARELY Iron Condors, Calendar, or Diagonals
5.       I trade almost exclusively credit spreads on the SPX, NDX, SPY indices
a.      Some trading is done on ETF/Ns – GLD, SLV
b.      Selected trading on stocks with weeklies, these vary with the week, but mostly GOOG, PCLN, AMZN, NFLX,
c.       I try to limit the number of items to trade in,  this limits the amount of information I need to keep up with on a daily basis.
6.       Weeklies tend to follow more technical analysis than fundamental analysis. 
7.       News items tend to effect weeklies more than their monthly counterparts
8.       Each week is a new week.  Research must be done each week.
9.       I tend to trade in blocks of 5 to help manage risk
10.   I tend to make trades Wednesday noonish also to manage risk
11.   I keep a $5-7K reserve in case I need to make a late adjustment
12.   Trades are at least 1 Std Deviation out from the strike price
13.   Keep discipline
14.   Use your experience to modify, add change, delete rules as needed
15.   Keep a log of your trades and analyze all trades to see what went RIGHT as well as what went WRONG
16.   Be honest with yourself.  A great looking spreadsheet to show off is worthless if it has false info in it
17.   The only way to trade successfully is to constantly learn and refine your strategies.  My strategy works for me as I am comfortable with it.  You have to be comfortable with the strategies you use and ones you want to try.
These are my rules.  Use them as you wish.  This is my trading system and is you want help with any part of it drop a line or tweet and I will help you. 
@awagel01 for Twitter

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