Monday, June 20, 2011

Hey there,

After the past couple of weeks of travelling, graduations, family stuff and just miscellaneous life goingson I am back.

A little catchup required:

Week of June 10 Trades:

SPX June 10 1260-1270 Put Credit Spread 3.37% Profit
SPX June 10 1255-1265 Put Credit Spread 1.83% Profit
NFLX June 10 270-275 Call Credit Spread 1.50% Profit

Weekly Net Profit 2.21%
Weekly Target = 3.00%
June Profit % = 4.55%

Results a little down this week due to the heavy graduation and other family party schedule. Trades are usually done on Wednesdays, but these were done Thursday noonish. But we are still up for the month and well on our way to the goal of 10% gain for June

Week of June 17 Trades:

GLD 145-147 Put Credit Spread 3.60%
SPX 1285-1295 Call Credit Spread 5.21%
NDX 2250-2260 Call Credit Spread 4.93%

Weekly Net Profit = 4.93%
Weekly Target = 3.00%
June Profit% = 8.69%

Results are a little higher than usual for the week which helps make up for last weeks underperformance. Closing in o.n the 10% target for June.

Not included in these results is the VVUS covered call position taken:

Covered Call

Bought 300 shares of VVUS @$7.85
Sold 3 July $8 Calls @$42

The Transaction so far:
300 x 7.85 = $2,355.00 Cost of VVUS Shares
1 x 7.95 = $ 7.95 Commission
3 x 41 = $123

Profit potential here is as follows:
$2,400 Shares called away @ $8.00 x 300
$ 123 Revenue from Call Premium
Total = $2,523

Costs = $2,362.95 - Cost of shares and commission

Profit = $2,523-$2,363 = $160; 160/2363 = 6.77%

If $8 strike is not reached then we will roll this over and go out another month. 6.77% per month is a decent enough return to continue this process (6.77 for 12 months = 81.24% not too bad!!).

I am a little more timely on Twitter so if you want follow me @ awagel01 on Twitter.

Any questions or comments please post then and I will answer them. Hopefully on a timely basis.

Till l8r my friends,

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