Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Results for last week (just a little late...Sorry) wk ending Feb 22, 2013

Ed Note:  Sorry for the delay - some unforeseen complications came up over the weekend and early this week.  I apologize for the inconvenience.

This past week was a better week.  We revisited an old friend the GLD.  This is the ETF designed to follow the spot gold prices.  Many of the other stocks and ETFs that we follow did not push out the premium that we need, as earnings and uneasiness over the market nearing a top have lowered premium.  If you want to have a good gauge of how the premium is looking watch the VIX as it is the measure of the one month expectation of market volatility.  AS VIX rises so does option premium as does volatility.  Basic rule – the higher the VIX the more volatility and the better option premium, and the lower the VIX the lower the volatility and the lower the option premium.
This past weekend I was a judge at a District Individual Event Speech Contest.  My category was Solo Musical theatre.  It was great!!!  I got to see TONS of talented kids and hear some great tunes.  There were only a couple that I had never heard of before so that made me feel pretty good.  The Les Miz influence was evident as 5 kids did songs from this movie/musical.  Close second was Hairspray with 4 girls doing the same song!!  I love judging these contest and apparently I am pretty good at it.  The contest director pulled me aside as I was leaving and told me that he had many comments about what a great job I did and hoped that I would come back to his contest again.  I said that I would.  And to top it off the lunch provided was fantastic.  Homemade soups and sandwiches with killer desserts – a chocolate cake with crème filling and an angel food cake with cream cheese-crème filling with raspberry puree on top.  OMG!  I could have ate only those and been happy!  State contest is in a couple of weeks and I can’t wait for that.
The cutting for the friend’s class project is going well.  We have an audience with her professor this week so that will be a neat thing to see how that goes and what he says. 
No Wizarding in our future – too bad because I think that would have been a good experience for her. 
Eldest daughter got a 91 on her first CDC test.  She passed and got day off for her outstanding score.  She is now starting to look around for classes to take in her off time.  She wants to get some classes done, but really has no idea what she wants to study.  Hmmm…an 18 year old doesn’t know what she wants to study in college?  Didn’t see that one coming [heavy sarcasm]. 
Here is the trade we did this past week:

GLD     154.50   Call     $ 0.109
GLD     155.50   Call     $(0.060)          This gave a $0.049 Net Credit for a 4.90% ROI
This week we found a trade in the GLD fairly early on in the week.  I really wanted to put this trade on with higher strike prices on Tuesday morning, but that didn’t mesh well with the trading rules so I didn’t.  I waited until Wednesday to make the trade and all turned out well.  I will now go through the process used to determine this trade and how I decided on the strike prices used for the trade
1.       I went through the list of stocks and ETFs I trade in:
a.      Stocks – AAPL, GMCR, GOOG, PCLN, NFLX
b.      ETFs – GLD, SPX, SPY, QQQ, SLV
2.      I was looking for the following conditions to be met:
a.      IV (Implied Volatility) > HV (Historical Volatility) on a minimum 3 month chart
b.      A market price that breaks out of the Bollinger Band Range set as 20 Day Moving Average and 2 Standard Deviations. 
c.       Probability of success measured on my two trading platforms of Trademonster and Optionshouse of at least 90%
d.      A definite trend shown in the monthly and weekly charts
e.      At least 3.5% Net ROI on the trade
3.      Only GLD met these criteria:
a.      The IV > HV
b.      There were Bollinger Band Breakouts on the Weekly Chart.  This is shown by the green arrows on the graph
c.       Success probability was at 91% for Trademonster and 93% for Optionshouse
d.      There is a definite downtrend showing in the monthly and weekly chart for GLD.  In fact many followers of the GLD and gold in general think that gold my hit the low $1,500s this year.  The 50 Day and the 200 Day SMA as shown by the Blue and Pink lines respectively on the chart are both downward as is the weekly chart.
e.      Our trade netted a Net ROI of 4.9%
Like I said above, I wanted to put this trade on earlier in the week, but one of our trading rules is that we don’t trade until Wednesday.  As it turns out, we could have made a little extra money, but if we don’t use our trading rules then why have them.  And I have been burned by placing trades that passed all the tests early in the week.  The old saying of bulls make money, bears make money and pigs get slaughtered is very true in the options arena.  Set your goals realistically and you will be handsomely rewarded over the long haul.
No new paper trade this week. 

Yahoo ongoing trade:
Yahoo   Sell July22 Call                     $  57                Buy Back         $ 89
Yahoo   Buy July20 Call                     -118                 Sell Off           $184
Yahoo   Sell July17 Put                         66                 Buy Back        $  33
                                                            $   5                                        $62
So far this trade is still profitable.  Yahoo closed Friday $21.22  We are playing the info that Yahoo had good earnings just announced and has new management in place that has a definite plan for Yahoo.  Our cap is $2.00 and we are on our way to that cap.  As long as Yahoo stays above $17 we are good.  And we have lots of time to have this happen.
We still have our covered calls on Vivus and CBI again.
Symbol    Company       Stock     Option      Premium        Initial        Annualized
VVUS            Vivus               12.58      Mar16           .28       2,676.00          12.56%
CBI     Chicago Bridge           54.01      Mar55        1.25        5,409.00          27.73%           

These are the completed covered call trades this year:
Symbol    Month     Premium   Month ROI    Ann Month ROI  Cum Prem   Cum An ROI
VVUS       January      $32             1.19%                 14.35%                    $32            14.35%
VVUS       February     $63             2.35%                 25.25%                    $95            42.60%
CBI           January      $50             1.12%                 13.39%
VVUS – This stock is STILL in the $12-$15 range.  This stock is really starting to disappoint.  The only good thing about it right now is that it is throwing off great premium on the monthly options.  We are still underwater on this and probably will be for a long time.  In the meantime we are slowly crawling back with the high option premium.  This is why this stock is my speculative play.  I knew going in that there would be a bumpy ride with this stock and I am really getting bumped!!    
CBI – We are slightly below where we bought this stock which is good for us!.  I really don’t mind getting called away on this one as I will make money on the call away and on the option premium.  If the stock continues to pull back from the 52 week highs it has been setting then we can run another Covered Call next month again.  SO this stock is giving us a win-win no matter how we slice it. 
This is the cumulative covered call results for 2013:
Symbol           Invested $       Option Prem     Call Away     Total     Return
VVUS             $2,676.00        $ 95                                               $95            3.55%
CBI                 $4,480.00        $ 50                     $320                $370            8.26%
Totals              $7,516.00        $175                    $320                $495            6.59%

Here are the two portfolios updated:
Ticker Name                            Buy       Current      Date                Div
                                                  Price      Price                                  Yield  
 KO     Coke                                 38.17      38.52       08/27/2012          2.71%
AGD   Alpine Global Dynamic        5.76        4.70        08/27/2012          6.25%
AOD   Alpine Total Dynamic          4.37        3.98        08/27/2012          7.41%
MO      Altria                                34.26      35.32       08/27/2012          5.17%
INTC   Intel                                   22.87      20.42       10/01/2012          3.94%
HIX    Western Asset Hi Inc II       10.53     10.00       10/15/2012          9.44%         
MCD   McDonald’s                       91.74      95.25      10/30/2012          3.55%
MSFT  Microsoft                          28.55      27.76      10/30/2012          3.12%
JNJ      Johnson and Johnson         68.03      76.25      11/23/2012          3.53%
PG       Proctor and Gamble          68.72      76.99      12/21/2012          3.27%

Current Prices as of 02/22/2013 Closing Price
The Dow had a down week last week, but just barely, and the S&P and NASDAQ also had slightly down weeks.  But all are up for the year as of the 22nd so it is a good time to be in the market.  Next week will be an interesting one as the Sequester is supposed to start on Friday the 1st.      
AOD and AGD are the big drags on our portfolio right now.  I am looking at another closed end fund and an ETF to take their place, but am not pulling the trigger right now as at the end of the month we will receive the latest monthly dividend.  If the price on the CEFs (Closed End Funds) hasn’t rebounded above our 15% cutoff I am ready to pull the trigger and get out of them and move to another CEF. 
Both portfolios will carry a 15% stop on them.  Portfolio #1 has 100 shares of each stock and will generate $1,198 in dividend revenue assuming no reinvestment.  This gives a 4.01% return.  Portfolio #2 will have $5,000 invested into each stock and there will be dividend reinvestment.  I will carry shares out 3 decimal places.  So here is how Portfolio #2 shakes out:   

Ticker Name                            Buy       Current      Ex-Div.                      
                                                  Price      Price          Date                Shares
 KO     Coke                                 36.89      38.52       02/27/2013         135.917
AGD   Alpine Global Dynamic        5.76        4.70        02/19/2013         970
AOD   Alpine Total Dynamic          4.37        3.98        02/19/2013      1,240
MO      Altria                                34.26      35.32       03/22/2013         148.894
INTC   Intel                                  22.87      20.42       05/03/2013         240
HIX    Western Asset Hi Inc II      10.53     10.00       03/13/2013         523.091       
MCD   McDonald’s                      91.74      95.25      02/28/2013           55
MSFT  Microsoft                          28.55      27.76      02/19/2013         182
JNJ      Johnson and Johnson        68.03      76.25      02/25/2013           71
PG       Proctor and Gamble          68.72      76.99      04/19/2013           72.529
Buy Price Portfolio Value =             $51,996.01
Current Price Portfolio Value =      $51,409.20
Dividends Received So Far =               $210.22
Dividend ROI =                                       0.40%
Portfolio Return =                                 - 1.13%
We are still slightly negative on the overall portfolio value, but we are going to get a big boost this month as many stocks have dividend payments coming in the next couple of weeks.  AGD, AOD and INTC are still the drivers of the loss and for AOD and AGD they will be there for most of the year unless a price spike happens.  We really need a price spike in AGD, the price decline after the dividend cut really hurt us.  Overall the portfolio is not doing all that bad.  WE are slightly negative, but growing our shares and closing the gap each week.  To show the impact of our closed end funds AOD and AGD, if we take them out of the portfolio we are up 1.90% or a 3.03% improvement.
Usually there is a watch list portion for the Dividend portfolio.  But I have put all the watch list stocks into the portfolio.  Now I am looking for replacement stocks for under performers in the portfolio. But this will not be an easy task.  Our three keys make getting on the list and then getting into the portfolio rather difficult.  Here are the three keys:  (1) a moat business model, (2) dividend of at least 3%, (3) solid fundamental analysis numbers.                                                                 
Ticker                                     Recent                Date                           Div            Target
                Name                        Price                            Yield          Price      

You have dividend portfolios designed to get current income and preserve capital.  Will you ever put out a portfolio that is more growth oriented?
I have been asked this several times since I put out the dividend portfolios.  I am considering putting a growth or value portfolio out, but it is not a high priority because that is straying from what I know best.   As I grow as an investor then a value and/or growth portfolio would be something I could put out there with confidence.  That being said I do have my eyes on some stocks that are in the growth area:
Here is the stock Symbol, Name and recent price:
1.       TIF                 Tiffany                                    64.01
2.      MXF               Mexico Closed Fund              30.61
3.      SBUX             Starbucks                                53.21
4.      PETM              Petsmart                                  62.61
Now I haven’t made a portfolio and these are not recommendations to buy.  They are just stocks that I have my eye on for a value play.  They don’t meet my dividend portfolio criteria for dividend return and moat business models.  But they are good businesses and are growing their markets or are able to find additional revenue and are well managed.

All charts from  This is not a paid endorsement.  They are a good free app that only asks for credit on their charts when you use them. 

DISCLAIMER:  Hashley Capital Management, LLC; as well as I are not giving any trading advice.  All data is historical in nature and is intended for use as an educational tool.  Trading in stocks and/or options is risky and can result in loss of capital. Stocks and options carry inherent risks and should be well researched before any buy/sell decision is made.   There is no attempt to sell any brokerage services or act as a broker or dealer by Hashley Capital Management, LLC.  Any forward looking comments on this blog are not attempts to solicit business for Hashley Capital Management, LLC and are the opinion of Hashley Capital Management only.  If you choose to follow the same path and invest in the strategies and trades used by Hashley Capital Management, LLC after doing your own due diligence, that is your decision and yours alone. 
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Twitter: @awagel01
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Sunday, February 17, 2013

GLD and PCLN trades for week ending Feb 15, 2013

Hey all:
This week was another tough one for weekly options premium.  The big upturn in the market started to stall.  And with that stall the VIX – volatility measure decreased.  When VIX decreases then premium decreases.  Lots of stuff was flying through the air last week – earnings were so-so, WalMart internal memos telling of a “disastrous” quarter, and gold tanked.  So with all this going on we had some interesting trades this week.  We used two old standbys and one new one.
Last week I also got to judge a conference speech contest.  Since retiring from soccer refereeing I have taken up judging speech contests.  I really like this as I get to see acting, singing, improve, debates, and all measures of creativity.  I just wish there were more contests to do!  I really love watching the talented kids at these events.  Next week I go to do a District Individual Event Contest judging solo musical theatre.  I can’t wait to see these talented kids perform.  Then in a couple more weeks I get to judge the individual event state contest.  Now in speech there is more than one state contest – a first for me being used to athletic competitions.  I still have to put in time to get to the All-State Contest but I am looking forward to that day.
I am working with a friend and non-traditional student in theatre as an actor for her directing class project.  It is a cutting from “A Doll House”.  I have never seen this play despite it being the most produced play ever.  It is a ton of fun to be back on stage again and involved with the theatre. 
Youngest daughter has a tryout for “The Wizard of Oz” at Theatre Cedar Rapids today.  I hope she does well.  She has gone to a few auditions before and did well, but just didn’t land a part.  Hopefully this is the time.  Her foot is getting better – we have a great PT that has helped her immensely. 
Eldest daughter seems to be doing well in her posting.  It is nice to see her starting her life as an adult and doing well.  As with any parent who has a kid leave the nest I wish I could see her more often, but I know I will see her when I can.
Ok, let us get to work.  We went through our screening process this week and kept coming up with no viable trades other than the GLD.  As the week went on we got the PCLN trade.  The main hurdle to overcome is the 3% minimum ROI closely followed by the 90% probability metric.   These metrics were designed (1) to get us a good income stream and (2) assure a measure of safety.  Without these metrics set this high we would run a greater risk of losing not only our profits, but also our seed capital.
We have three trades to talk of this week:   

Trade #1

GLD     159.50   Call     $ 0.13
GLD     160.50   Call     $(0.05)            This gave a $0.08 Net Credit for a 8.00% ROI
1.      The overall trend for the week was down for the GLD so we looked on the Call side for a trade.   At the time we were looking the ETF was up trending so we looked to the put side.
2.      IV is greater than HV although not by much
3.      Our probability indicator hit 92.6%
4.      Our Bollinger Band Indicator showed our confirming mark Monday and again Thursday Morning so we put this trade on Thursday
5.      The minimum 3% ROI was found at the 159.50/160.50 level
 Trade #2

PCLN     720.00   Call     $ 1.03
PCLN     725.00   Call     $(0.70)          This gave a $0.33 Net Credit for a 6.60% ROI
1.      This stock traded almost perfectly even for the week.  Starting the week at 695 and ending the week at 701.  This is a true flat stock this past week.  This flat movement of the stock meant we could go either on the call side or the put side.  The premium was more on the call side with a good level of probability so that is how we went.
2.      IV is greater than HV and with IV increasing throughout February
3.      Our probability indicator hit 94.1%
4.      Our Bollinger Band Indicator showed our confirming mark Tuesday, Wednesday and again Thursday so we put this trade on Thursday
5.      The 720/725 mark was the “tipping point”.  The 725/730 ROI was about 2% where the 720/725 was 6%.  This was the gap and so we took it.

As I was going through the weekly options list I came across ExxonMobil and an insane premium potential.  This trade didn’t meet the requirements for a real trade so I took a flyer and made it a paper trade.  Here is that trade:
XOM   87.50   Call               $0.81
XOM   90.00   Call               $(0.03)
TOTAL POTENTIAL GAIN:                    $0.78 for a Net Gain of 31.20%
The stock was trading at $88.70 when I put this trade on Friday morning first thing.  I was hoping to make use of time decay and let the spread value slowly go down and then buy it back at the end of the day.  The first thing that came to mind is that this trade put us in jeopardy immediately of being assigned a short position in XOM.  This is a VERY DANGEROUS  position to be in.  If I held this until expiration and the market price didn’t fall below 87.5 then I would have been assigned a short position in the stock that I would have to buy back Monday morning probably at a huge loss.  I will tell you that there are many traders who use this strategy and make lots of money week in and week out.  Here is the thought process why I looked at this trade:
1.       XOM had been trending lower since the announcement of earnings at the end of January
2.      The premium was an insanely high amount basically $312 per $1,000 risked
3.      Weekly options time decay is usually very heavy in the latter part of the week.
So we put the trade on and the stock went basically nowhere Friday.  The stock started at 88.57 Friday morning and ended at 88.36 at the close Friday.  Unfortunately for us the stock Friday swung between 88.75 and 87.80.  What this meant was that the time decay didn’t really happen much.  The price swings made the option pricing relatively stable.  There were fluctuations but eventually the option pricing ended up actually higher at the close than at the beginning of the day despite the slightly lower market price.  During one of the fluctuations Friday afternoon we took the opportunity to get out of the trade.
Potential Profit = $780
Actualized Profit = $70
So we made money, but basically broke even after commissions.  This is why I didn’t use it as an actual trade.  It met none of my criteria except for the ROI.  That is why I didn’t make this a trade for real. The reason a trading system works is that there are rules to follow and if you follow them you will make money over the long term.  Going on a flyer like “insanely high premium” is not a good way to trade.  This paper trade is the perfect example of a trade NOT TO MAKE!!!    So like I did and was looking at other ways to make a quick buck, don't do it!!  If you have a system stick to it!!

Yahoo ongoing trade:
Yahoo   Sell July22 Call                     $  57                Buy Back        $104
Yahoo   Buy July20 Call                     -118                 Sell Off           $198
Yahoo   Sell July17 Put                         66                 Buy Back        $   27
                                                         $   5                                           $67
So far this trade is still profitable.  Yahoo closed Friday $21.02  We are playing the info that Yahoo had good earnings just announced and has new management in place that has a definite plan for Yahoo.  Our cap is $2.00 and we are on our way to that cap.  As long as Yahoo stays above $17 we are good.  And we have lots of time to have this happen.
We still have our covered calls on Vivus. I would like to keep CBI as a covered call but right now there is no premium over what is right at the strike price so I am looking for another.  So far I haven’t found one.
Symbol    Company       Stock     Option      Premium        Initial        Annualized
VVUS             Vivus               13.39      Mar16           .28       2,676.00          12.56%
CBI     Chicago Bridge            54.09      Mar55        1.25        5,409.00          27.73%           

These are the completed covered call trades this year:
Symbol    Month     Premium   Month ROI    Ann Month ROI  Cum Prem   Cum An ROI
VVUS       January      $32             1.19%                 14.35%                    $32            14.35%
VVUS      February     $63             2.35%                 25.25%                    $95            42.60%
CBI           January      $50             1.12%                 13.39%
VVUS – This stock is still in the $12-$15 range (uuuggghhhh!!!!!).  Our February option expired worthless and we put on the same trade again the $16 strike at the March 2013 expiry.  The stock is up 31% since the post earnings low of $10.24 in November 2012.  A slow and steady rise, and I am hoping that this keeps up and we get back to the initial investment amount I paid long ago.    This is my speculative play and currently I am in the hole overall for it.  But I am continuing to collect call premium on it and I know they have some very promising drugs in the near future coming to market.  If these are successful then we will more than likely get our overall investment back.  In the meantime we just keep collecting the call premium.    
CBI – This stock is on a great run.  We put a covered call on this stock back in January and it was called away with what at the time was a 52 week high.  CBI has since gone on to post many 52 week highs since.  Again if we get called away we will make $91 at the strike price and $125 in option premium for a total of $216 for a 3.99% monthly return.  Not bad!
This is the cumulative covered call results for 2013:
Symbol           Invested $       Option Prem     Call Away     Total     Return
VVUS             $2,676.00        $ 95                                               $95            3.55%
CBI                 $4,480.00        $ 50                     $320                $370            8.26%
Totals             $7,516.00        $175                    $320                $495            6.59%

Here are the two portfolios updated:
Ticker Name                            Buy       Current      Date                Div
                                                  Price      Price                                  Yield  
 KO     Coke                              38.17      37.42       08/27/2012          2.71%
AGD   Alpine Global Dynamic      5.76        4.79        08/27/2012          6.25%
AOD   Alpine Total Dynamic        4.37        4.01        08/27/2012          7.41%
MO      Altria                              34.26      34.38       08/27/2012          5.17%
INTC   Intel                                 22.87      21.12       10/01/2012          3.94%
HIX    Western Asset Hi Inc II      10.53     10.08       10/15/2012          9.44%         
MCD   McDonald’s                      91.74      93.90      10/30/2012          3.55%
MSFT  Microsoft                          28.55      28.01      10/30/2012          3.12%
JNJ      Johnson and Johnson         68.03      76.16      11/23/2012          3.53%
PG       Proctor and Gamble          68.72      76.54      12/21/2012          3.27%

Current Prices as of 02/15/2013 Closing Price
So far this year the market has been doing really well for Dow stocks.  6 out of 8 weeks were winners and the overall Dow is way up over 900 points for the year despite the past two weeks of being down. 
Overall for the market this was a mixed week.  The Dow is down, but Russell 2000 is up, NASDAQ ended up basically flat up about 2 points    
AOD and AGD are the big drags on our portfolio right now.  I am looking at another closed end fund and an ETF to take their place, but am not pulling the trigger right now.  Our long term perspective is what is keeping us in these stocks.  AGD and AOD are closed end funds that give monthly dividends.  So as long as the price stays below our initial entry point the stocks are on sale to us on a relative basis.  So we pick up more stock than we thought we would and build more dividend earning power.
Both portfolios will carry a 15% stop on them.  Portfolio #1 has 100 shares of each stock and will generate $1,198 in dividend revenue assuming no reinvestment.  This gives a 4.01% return.  Portfolio #2 will have $5,000 invested into each stock and there will be dividend reinvestment.  I will carry shares out 3 decimal places.  So here is how Portfolio #2 shakes out:  
Ticker Name                            Buy       Current      Ex-Div.                      
                                                  Price      Price          Date                Shares
 KO     Coke                                 36.89      37.42       02/27/2013         135.917
AGD   Alpine Global Dynamic        5.76        4.79        02/19/2013         970
AOD   Alpine Total Dynamic          4.37        4.01        02/19/2013      1,240
MO      Altria                                34.26      34.38       03/22/2013         148.894
INTC   Intel                                  22.87      21.12       05/03/2013         240
HIX    Western Asset Hi Inc II      10.53     10.08       03/13/2013         523.091       
MCD   McDonald’s                      91.74      93.90      02/28/2013           55
MSFT  Microsoft                          28.55      28.01      02/19/2013         182
JNJ      Johnson and Johnson         68.03      76.16      02/25/2013           71
PG       Proctor and Gamble         68.72      76.54      04/19/2013           72.529
Buy Price Portfolio Value =             $51,996.01
Current Price Portfolio Value =       $51,386.30
Dividends Received So Far =               $210.22
Dividend ROI =                                       0.40%
Portfolio Return =                                 - 1.17%
We are still slightly negative on the overall portfolio value, but we are going to get a big boost this month as many stocks have dividend payments coming in the next couple of weeks.  AGD, AOD and INTC are still the drivers of the loss and for AOD and AGD they will be there for most of the year unless a price spike happens.  We really need a price spike in AGD, the price decline after the dividend cut really hurt us.  Overall the portfolio is not doing all that bad.  WE are slightly negative, but growing our shares and closing the gap each week.  To show the impact of our closed end funds AOD and AGD, if we take them out of the portfolio we are up 1.90% or a 3.07% improvement.
Usually there is a watch list portion for the Dividend portfolio.  But I have put all the watch list stocks into the portfolio.  Now I am looking for replacement stocks for underperformers in the portfolio. But this will not be an easy task.  Our three keys make getting on the list and then getting into the portfolio rather difficult.  Here are the three keys:  (1) a moat business model, (2) dividend of at least 3%, (3) solid fundamental analysis numbers.                                                                 
Ticker                                     Recent                Date                           Div            Target
                Name                        Price                            Yield          Price      

Could you put out your rules?  I am new to your blog and need to see them so I can follow your ideas more closely. 
Here are my trading rules for the weekly option credit spreads.  Next week I will put up the rules for the covered calls and dividend portfolios. 

1.       I trade weekly options almost exclusively. 
2.       My weekly profit margin target is 3.0% floor
3.       Use mainly credit spreads, but RARELY Iron Condors, Calendar, or Diagonals
4.       I trade almost exclusively credit spreads on the following:
a.      SPX, NDX, SPY indices
b.      ETF/Ns – GLD, SLV
c.       Stocks GOOG, PCLN, AMZN, NFLX, GMCR
d.      I try to limit the number of items to trade in, this limits the amount of information I need to keep up with on a daily basis.
5.       Weeklies tend to follow more technical analysis than fundamental analysis. 
6.       News items tend to effect weeklies more than their monthly counterparts
7.       Each week is a new week.  Research must be done each week.
8.       I tend to trade in blocks of 5 to help manage risk
9.       I tend to make trades Wednesday noonish also to manage risk, but if no trades meet the criteria in Wednesday we will come back Thursday or Friday of needed.  The further in the week we go, the lower the return, but don’t sacrifice safety for return.
10.   I keep a $5-7K reserve in case I need to make a late adjustment
11.   Trades are at least 1 Std Deviation out from the strike price
12.   Keep discipline
13.   Use your experience to modify, add change, delete rules as needed
14.   Keep a log of your trades and analyze all trades to see what went RIGHT as well as what went WRONG
15.   Be honest with yourself.  A great looking spreadsheet to show off is worthless if it has false info in it
16.   The only way to trade successfully is to constantly learn and refine your strategies.  My strategy works for me as I am comfortable with it.  You have to be comfortable with the strategies you use and ones you want to try.
These are my rules.  Use them as you wish.  This is my trading system and is you want help with any part of it drop a line or tweet and I will help you. 

All charts from  This is not a paid endorsement.  They are a good free app that only asks for credit on their charts when you use them. 

DISCLAIMER:  Hashley Capital Management, LLC; as well as I are not giving any trading advice.  All data is historical in nature and is intended for use as an educational tool.  Trading in stocks and/or options is risky and can result in loss of capital. Stocks and options carry inherent risks and should be well researched before any buy/sell decision is made.   There is no attempt to sell any brokerage services or act as a broker or dealer by Hashley Capital Management, LLC.  Any forward looking comments on this blog are not attempts to solicit business for Hashley Capital Management, LLC and are the opinion of Hashley Capital Management only.  If you choose to follow the same path and invest in the strategies and trades used by Hashley Capital Management, LLC after doing your own due diligence, that is your decision and yours alone. 
Reach me @:
Twitter: @awagel01
Stocktwits:  awagel01
Or leave a comment on the blog
