Thursday, March 29, 2012

Trade Put on March 29, 2012

Good Afternoon!
Ok, with volatility pretty low this week, it was hard to find a trade to put on.  All my indicators were split, the charts were leaning call spread, but looked like they were trending toward put spread; the probability calculators were in the 70% range for success – much lower than the 85% I like; and finally the long term trend was leaning put, but starting to show a switch to the call spread side.
So about noon I put on my trade.  I went to the call side and to an index I don’t use much the NDX.  But this is where the analytics led me this time.
Now let’s go analyze this week’s trade.
NDX    2775     Call     $1.57
NDX    2800     Call     ($.26)             This gives a $1.31 Net Credit for a 5.24% ROI
The white lines are the boundaries of the call credit spread. 
1.       The NDX 20 Day SMA crossed the 50 Day SMA and both are heading lower.  This was the first indicator that the Call Credit Spread is the way to go today.  Also the price line is below the 20 Day SMA and way below the 50 day SMA. 
2.       The 2775 price level was 1.5 Std Dev away from the underlying price at the time of the trade.  The 2800 was almost 2.0 Std Dev away at tome of trade.
3.       My probability calculator put the odds at 90.01% of NDX ending up below the 2775 Call. 
4.       When we were doing put spreads we looked at higher highs and higher lows indicating that the price for our index was on the way up.  Great for our contrarian philosophy.  This week we are seeing lower highs and lower lows.  A marker that the price is heading lower.  Using our contrarian idea we go with the call spread to make our money. 

Thanks to for the chart site I use.  All of the charts you see in this blog are from  They have great charts and some nifty tools to help your analysis.  I use the site tons.  It is a great resource.  And no, I don’t get any compensation for saying this.
DISCLAIMER:  Hashley Capital Management, LLC; as well as I are not giving any trading advice.  All data is historical in nature and is intended for use as an educational tool.  Trading in options is risky and can result in loss of capital.  There is no attempt to sell any brokerage services or act as a broker or dealer by Hashley Capital Management, LLC.  Any forward looking comments on this blog are not attempts to solicit business for Hashley Capital Management, LLC.  If you choose to follow the same path and invest in the strategies and trades used by Hashley Capital Management, LLC after doing your own due diligence than that is your decision and yours alone. 
Reach me @:
Twitter: @awagel01
Or leave a comment on the blog


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Analysis for Trades in the Week of March 23, 2012

Hey Fellow Traders!
Wow, this week gave us some big excitement, and I’m not talking about the NCAA Basketball Tournament!  There were some swings last week in the stock prices, VIX was falling so premiums were getting smaller by the day and there just seemed to be sooo much stuff going on this week.  My fiancĂ©’s son had the Spring Vocal Concert – they are great by the way, Daughter had a big project she was working on and eldest daughter continued on her march to military service.  My Men’s Fraternity plan is due in a couple of weeks and I had to get that thing together.  I have completed it, then each week with the new topic I go back and do revisions, so hopefully I can put that this to bed soon.  Now this weekend the Strep Throat bug has hit the house AGAIN.
Now onto the trading – another week in the win column!!  For those of you scoring at home – that means that all except the very first week of the year has been a successful trading week.  Almost done with the first quarter of the year and we are at our goal of 1 losing week. 
Now let’s go analyze this week’s trade to see how we put the odds in our favor.
SPX    1385     Put     $1.27
SPX    1375     Put     ($.84)              This gives a $0.43 Net Credit for a 4.3% ROI

1.       The SPX showed lots of volatility during the week, starting well above the 20 Day SMA, but by the middle of the week started heading below the SMA line.  When I put on the trade the price was above but quickly sank below the SMA line.  The price and SMA line were moving pretty much in tandem – this was the first piece of evidence for the put spread. 
2.       The 1385 price level for the put option to sell was 15 points below the 20 day SMA.  Since at the time of the trade the price line was at or above the SMA line and the long term trend was to push the price higher this looked like a safe margin.
3.       The 1375 price level is even further below the SMA line just adding to our degrees of safety.
4.       My probability calculator put the odds at 92.01% of SPX ending up above the 1385 put. 
5.       The trend line this week since the move above the SMA has been for higher highs and higher lows.  This is a classic technical sign that the price will be going higher.  Even when the price dipped below the 20 Day SMA the pattern of higher highs and higher lows continued.  Until Thursday when the price went way down this pattern was there. 
6.       The big price drop did put our put spread in jeopardy.  The low point was 3 points away from the spread boundary.  But then the price started heading up again.  But by trusting our analysis and keeping with the probabilities that were way in our favor we walked out the door with a winner.
7.       Also I did look at the RUT and NDX, but there really was not a trade I could see with the same ROI that the one I put on has.    
8.       Summation:
a.       We saw a brief pause in the long term trend of an uptrending market this week. That pause came after we had placed our trade and gave us a little cause for concern. 
b.      The probability calculator gave a favorable percent of this trade ending up in my favor, at 92.01%.  Anything over 80% is a very high probability trade, and that is what we shoot for here. A trade with a high probability of success. 
c.       I was able to get good ROIs at 1.0 – 2.0 Std Dev away from the strike price.
d.      By waiting until Wednesday around noon to make the trade and making sure the analytics put the odds in our favor this trade had a very high probability of success.  Even when the price fell perilously close to our spread boundary before rebounding we stuck with our guns.  A good thing as I had a couple of fellow traders call me and say I was nuts for sticking with my guns.  The exited the trade for a loss and then entered a call credit spread that later in the day they had to exit out of for a loss.  BIG LESSON:  Stick with your analysis if you believe it to be sound.  I was prepared to exit my trade if the price fell into my spread boundary and stayed there more than 20 minutes.  That was my exit strategy.  I would have suffered a loss if that happened, but I realized that and was ok with it.  My two buddies would have had a winning trade if they stayed the course.  They didn’t and ended up losing a bunch with two losing trades instead on one.  Remember one of the big tenets:  Use the analysis and to justify your trades. Only when that justification is proved wrong exit the trade.  Limit losses and maximize gains.

Thanks to for the chart site I use.  All of the charts you see in this blog are from  They have great charts and some nifty tools to help your analysis.  I use the site tons.  It is a great resource.  And no, I don’t get any compensation for saying this.
DISCLAIMER:  Hashley Capital Management, LLC; as well as I are not giving any trading advice.  All data is historical in nature and is intended for use as an educational tool.  Trading in options is risky and can result in loss of capital.  There is no attempt to sell any brokerage services or act as a broker or dealer by Hashley Capital Management, LLC.  Any forward looking comments on this blog are not attempts to solicit business for Hashley Capital Management, LLC.  If you choose to follow the same path and invest in the strategies and trades used by Hashley Capital Management, LLC after doing your own due diligence than that is your decision and yours alone. 
Reach me @:
Twitter: @awagel01
Or leave a comment on the blog


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hey you Guys!!
Well, another successful week of trading.  Despite my remorse at Michigan getting bounced in the opening round (I refuse to call the play in games the first round despite what the NCAA says!) it was a good weekend.  UK is in the sweet 16 as well as Ohio – so at least Michigan didn’t get bounced by a flash in the pan.  The BIG 10 did really well getting Indiana, Wisconsin, MSU and Ohio St into the Sweet 16.  ¼ of the Sweet 16 is the Big 10 – who says it is not a power conference in basketball!!!
Now let’s go analyze this week’s trade to see how we put the odds in our favor.  As is now the tradition, I use the initial analysis and augment with new comments in red.
RUT     810     Put     $1.06
RUT     800     Put     ($.52)               This gives a $0.54 Net Credit for a 5.4% ROI

1.       The RUT is starting to show some volatility, but as you can see the price is testing the 20 Day SMA then bouncing higher.  So if we are testing and moving higher on the chart we do Put Credit Spreads per our rule.  The Price continued to bounce off the 20 SMA line the rest of the week as the price and SMA both moved higher.
2.       The 810 price level for the put option to sell is 10 points below the 20 day SMA.  Since the price has pushed back above the SMA line it has not fallen, but tested it then went higher. This gives some degree of certainty that our 810 sell is safe.  As price moved higher this increased our safety in the Put side.  Our basic rule is “Go the opposite of the price direction for the spread trade”.
3.       The 800 price level is even further below the SMA line just adding to our degrees of safety.
4.       My probability calculator put the odds at 88.68% of RUT ending up above the 810 put.  Generally a probability calculator number of 85% or greater is my baseline for a trade.  I also used a tool in Trademonster’s arsenal of a probability of breaking even.  This came in at 94%  so I took that as a good sign that I could at least make some money with this trade.
5.       The trend line this week since the move above the SMA has been for higher highs and higher lows.  This is a classic technical sign that the price will be going higher.  This confirms our choice for the put spread.  This is what happened, and as of Noon Monday is continuing to happen.
6.       I did briefly think of trying a condor setup, but when looking at the chart I saw that the chart was not telling me to use a condor.  Condors are for channeling price charts.  We are on a definite upswing this week, and a condor strategy would be very dangerous.  A condor would have been very dangerous last week.  I did not end up doing on and glad I didn’t.  The condor strategy really only works well if you are in a sideways market, and we are definitely not in one of those.
7.       Also I did look at the SPX and NDX, but there really was not a trade I could see with the same ROI that the one I put on has.    There were trades to be made here, but I like to get the best bang for my buck, and that was not here.  But if your risk tolerance is not as high as mine both these index options had profitable trades.
8.       Summation:
a.       We are in an uptrending market this week according the RUT chart.  Higher highs AND higher lows are a definite signal that the price will be going up.
b.      The probability calculator gave a favorable percent of this trade ending up in my favor, at 88.68%.  Anything over 80% is a very high probability trade, and that is what we shoot for here. A trade with a high probability of success. 
c.       I was able to get good ROIs at 1.0 Std Dev away from the strike price.
d.      All the assumptions proved correct.  We used our skills of technical analysis and mathematical calculators to create a trade that we could back up with facts.  That is the way to high probability of success. 
Ok, I haven’t thanked for a while so I should do that.  All of the charts you see in this blog are from  They have great charts and some nifty tools to help your analysis.  I use the site tons.  It is a great resource.  Yeah, I don’t get any compensation for this, I am just saying this because I use them and am happy with what I get from them.
DISCLAIMER:  Hashley Capital Management, LLC; as well as myself are not giving any trading advice.  All data is historical in nature and is intended for use as an educational tool.  Trading in options is risky and can result in loss of capital.  There is no attempt to sell any brokerage services or act as a broker or dealer by Hashley Capital Management, LLC.  Any forward looking comments on this blog are not attempts to solicit business for Hashley Capital Management, LLC.  If you choose to follow the same path and invest in the strategies and trades used by Hashley Capital Management, LLC after doing your own due diligence than that is your decision and yours alone. 
Reach me @:
Twitter: @awagel01
Or leave a comment on the blog


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Trade Completed March 15 2012

Hey all you weekly options traders!
Well, sorry I am a little late in getting this out.  My trade was stopped out at close yesterday as it didn’t fill and my trade for this week was filled right at the open today.  But I have had meetings and such to take care of so I am getting to this just now while watching the NCAA March Madness –UK Wildcats!!!  Ya gotta multi-task sometimes!
This week was a rough week.  See saw action like middle of last year. Up 10 points then down 7 then up 5 then down 15.  This is when technical analysis really shows itself useful.
Now let’s go and analyze this week’s trade to see how we put the odds in our favor.
RUT     810     Put     $1.06
RUT     800     Put     ($.52)               This gives a $0.54 Net Credit for a 5.4% ROI

1.       The RUT is starting to show some volatility, but as you can see the price is testing the 20 Day SMA then bouncing higher.  So if we are testing and moving higher on the chart we do Put Credit Spreads per our rule. 
2.       The 810 price level for the put option to sell is 10 points below the 20 day SMA.  Since the price has pushed back above the SMA line it has not fallen, but tested it then went higher. This gives some degree of certainty that our 810 sell is safe.
3.       The 800 price level is even further below the SMA line just adding to our degrees of safety.
4.       My probability calculator put the odds at 88.68% of RUT ending up above the 810 put.
5.       The trend line this week since the move above the SMA has been for higer highs and higher lows,  this is shown in the graph by the white lines.  This is a classic technical sign that the price will be going higher.  This confirms our choice for the put spread. 
6.       I did briefly think of trying a condor setup, but when looking at the chart I saw that the chart was not telling me to use a condor.  Condors are for channeling price charts.  We are on a definite upswing this week, and a condor strategy would be very dangerous. 
7.       Also I did look at the SPX and NDX, but there really was not a trade I could see with the same ROI that the one I put on has.    
8.       Summation:
a.       We are in an uptrending market this week according the RUT chart.  Higher highs AND higher lows are a definite signal that the price will be going up.
b.      The probability calculator gave a favorable percent of this trade ending up in my favor, at 88.68%.  Anything over 80% is a very high probability trade, and that is what we shoot for here. A trade with a high probability of success. 
c.       I was able to get good ROIs at 1.0 Std Dev away from the strike price.
DISCLAIMER:  Hashley Capital Management, LLC; as well as myself are not giving any trading advice.  All data is historical in nature and is intended for use as an educational tool.  Trading in options is risky and can result in loss of capital.  There is no attempt to sell any brokerage services or act as a broker or dealer by Hashley Capital Management, LLC.  Any forward looking comments on this blog are not attempts to solicit business for Hashley Capital Management, LLC.  If you choose to follow the same path and invest in the strategies and trades used by Hashley Capital Management, LLC after doing your own due diligence than that is your decision and yours alone. 
Reach me @:
Twitter: @awagel01
Or leave a comment on the blog


Monday, March 12, 2012

Stuff got in the way last week!

Well, sorry to say I did not get to trade inthe trading account this week.  Getting stuff set up in the LLC account took a bit longer that I anticipated, so by the time all got up and running there wasn't a trade I was comfortable making.

looks like a good thing I made a killing two weeks ago as that covered me last week. 

Remember this is options expiration week this week, so the SPX will be trading like the RUT this week with the Friday morning settlement.

I will definitely be trading this week, so when I have the trade I will post it here.  Hope you all had a great last week!!!


Why don't you trade in covered calls?  This would seem to be a very safe trading strategy with a couple of ways to make money.

Ok, great question.  I don't trade covered calls in my trading account for a few reasons.

First, I can make more money with pretty much the same risk level trading the weekly options market. 

Second, covered calls require a substantial capital investment on an ongoing basis.  Trading covered calls means that you have to have 100 shares of stock for every 1 call you sell - so for a $10 stock that is a $1,000 investment in the stock for each call you write.  Now there are some websites and newsletters that claim they can fond you great premium on "cheap" (meaning priced $12-$15 and under) stocks, but I have yet to hear any long term great reviews for those sites and newsletters (BTW if you do subscribe to a great site or newsletter - tell me your story - and if I can verify I will gladly print the details here).

Third, covered call writing really isn't designed to be an income strategy, it is designed to be a supplemental income strategy.  There is a BIG difference.  An income strategy is one where you could use the strategy to live off - like I do with my weekly options strategy.  The covered call strategy isn't geared for that until you have MASSIVE amounts of stock.  when I am writing this, LNG (Cheniere Energy) is  @ $15.87 and trading in the March expiration for $40 per call sold ( a 2.5% ROI) and $135 for the April expiration at the $15 strike price ( a 8.5% ROI FOR THE MONTH!).  So to make a good income, not great, just good you would need 15 blocks of 100 shares to make $2,025 for the month of April.  That would mean that you would have to tie up $15.87 X 1500 shares or $23,805.  using the weekly options using historical returns this year of 5.025% per week I could make $5,224 on that same $23,000 until April expiration.  That is more than double.  Also at the end of April expiration I would still have my $23,000.  Getting the good premium at the $15 strike price means that the stock would be called away at a potentially lower price than the market.  Plus what if the market in LNG tanks and the price goes to $10 or lower.  Then I am really screwed over!!!

I trade weekly options because when the analysis is done well and I follow my rules I can make more money safer than with covered calls.

Now I am not ripping on this strategy saying never use it.  If you have stock in a self directed IRA account and plan to hold it for a long time than you cna use the covered call strategy to gain some extra income.  I will tell you I do use this strategy for part of a Roth IRA that I want to hold long term in stocks.  The dividend plus the premium of the calls does a good job in boosting the yield.  Granted this is a small part of my Roth.  Most of my Roth is put to use in weekly options so I can grab the much higher return.  But I do like a little island of calm and slow and steady boring growth.

Keep the questions flowing!  They are great!

DISCLAIMER:  Hashley Capital Management, LLC; as well as myself are not giving any trading advice.  All data is historical in nature and is intended for use as an educational tool.  Trading in options is risky and can result in loss of capital.  There is no attempt to sell any brokerage services or act as a broker or dealer by Hashley Capital Management, LLC.  Any forward looking comments on this blog are not attempts to solicit business for Hashley Capital Management, LLC.  If you choose to follow the same path and invest in the strategies and trades used by Hashley Capital Management, LLC after doing your own due diligence than that is your decision and yours alone. 



Sunday, March 4, 2012

Analysis of Trade for week of 03/02/2012

Heidi Heidi Hi!!
Yes, I am a little giddy!  I just scored  10% weekly return last week! WOOT!  NOW THIS IS REALLY OUT OF THE NORM!!!!  The stars aligned just right on this one.  So I got a little lucky with the ROI, but the research paid off and I had good trade numbers to work with so the odds were in my favor.  This is one of the neat quirks of weekly options; occasionally there will be quirks that you can ride to make a nice buck.  Ok, Ok, enough of the grandstanding. 
Before we go and look at this past week’s trade I want to pass along a story of a guy I met at a friend’s birthday party for their 1 yr old baby boy.  The man was a nice, elderly gentleman that lived next door.  I was telling the birthday boy’s father of my new endeavor trading options and this man sided up to our conversation.  We got to talking and he told me he trades exclusively in options as well.  Only he sells puts, that is it, nothing else, just sells puts.  He has been magnificently successful over the past 10 years of his retirement doing this.  He didn’t read it in any magazine or subscribe to any service, he had a buddy in the same department he used to work in that showed him how to do it.  We talked about are big hits AND our few mistakes.  I am telling you this because I wanted to make a point.  He has a different system than I do.  He is successful in doing his system.  He is comfortable with it and likes what he does.  More power to him.  I am not going to say my system is better than his, just different.  I will say that you can work my system for a lot less capital than his, but they are both good systems.  Here are the takeaways:  (1) you need to be comfortable with your system; (2) you have to be ready to do some legwork or take on a mentor to show you the ropes; (3) you need to be ready to take some losses as learning experiences; (4) you need to be willing to share info with your friends, pals, and even strangers you meet at a birthday party. 
Now let’s go and analyze this week’s trade to see how we put the odds in our favor.
This trade was another condor:
RUT     795     Put     ($0.57)
RUT     805     Put       $1.12
RUT     835     Call      $0.74
RUT     845     Call     ($0.29)             This trade gave a Net Credit of $1.00 or 10.00% ROI

1.       The RUT chart is leveling out.  Right now it is in a channel between the 830 and 810 price points.  We put the range for the condor just outside the channel path to give a slight margin of safety.  We could have gone one more level out on the Put side to 790-800 range.  That would have brought the ROI down but still would have been a good trade.
2.       The 835 price level for the call side is just above the 6 month high price for the index.  Also this is just above our channel.  This shows that the call side of the trade was relatively safe – safer than the put side.  A good measure of the riskier side of the trade is the side where the premium trail is longer, i.e. you are getting more premium farther down the chain.
3.       The 805 price level is just outside our channel.  This is above the 795 price level that is the 2nd tier support level (actual number is 793, but 795 strike price is the closest to the actual number).  To make this trade much less risky but also much less profitable – ROI = 4.20% from 10.00% - the 795 or 800 price levels could have been used.  The safest trade on this side would have been to go to the 795 strike price as the beginning of the put side (sell the 795 strike and buy the 785 strike).  This, again, would have lowered the ROI, but would have been the safest trade.
4.       My probability calculator put the odds at 85.01% of RUT ending up between the upper put and lower call.  The farther the distance between our call spread and the put spread the probability of success would go up.  The further the distance between the spreads the more “wiggle room” we are giving ourselves.  Sorry I didn’t write any of the probabilities down as I had receive my 85% on the trade I did, so I knew that widening the distance between the spreads would only increase the probability of success.
5.       The trend for the week so far has been slightly downward for the RUT index by about 4 points.  This trade is right at the 1 Std. Dev. above AND below the strike price at time of trade.  I shoot for a MINIMUM of 1.0 Std. Dev. away from the strike price at time of trade for my spreads.  I try to get more if possible, but this is a game of weighing lowering ROI with increased safety.  I went with my gut in thinking that I would be ok, and I was right.
6.       I did look at the other index option – SPX and NDX.  SPX had comparable ROI spreads, but the Friday AM settlement for the RUT pushed the RUT in front.  The NDX just didn’t have the ROI needed.  NDX is a hard index to get good ROI on unless it is traditional options expiration week.    
7.       Summation:
a.       The boundary strikes for the condor were just outside the channel shown in the charts
b.      The probability calculator gave a favorable percent of this trade ending up in my favor, although just barely at 85.01%
c.       I was able to get good ROIs at 1.0 Std Dev away from the strike price
d.      Now I must say that the details in this trade were crucial.
                                                               i.      RUT is an AM settled index.  This helped immensely as the bottom dropped out of the RUT after the settlement and went crashed through our put line.  If this had been a PM settled index we would have had to make an adjustment right off the bat Friday morning.
                                                             ii.      We were able to get maximum ROI mainly because I entered the trade right before the opening bell and it was put through just after the market opened. There was a spike from Tuesday’s activity that quickly melted away Wednesday not to return for the rest of the week.
                                                            iii.      By going just outside the channel the index was ranging in we were able to get the most ROI.  Trusting our homework and charting paid off big time this week.
                                                           iv.      Planning our work and working our plan was the key to this week’s success.  Whatever your trading method – if you follow mine or have a totally different one and just read my stuff for a good laugh before bed – having a good working plan and sticking with it is the key to long term success in options trading. 
DISCLAIMER:  Hashley Capital Management, LLC; as well as myself are not giving any trading advice.  All data is historical in nature and is intended for use as an educational tool.  Trading in options is risky and can result in loss of capital.  There is no attempt to sell any brokerage services or act as a broker or dealer by Hashley Capital Management, LLC.  Any forward looking comments on this blog are not attempts to solicit business for Hashley Capital Management, LLC.  If you choose to follow the same path and invest in the strategies and trades used by Hashley Capital Management, LLC after doing your own due diligence than that is your decision and yours alone. 
Reach me @:
Twitter: @awagel01 ( hashleycm I can’t get to work.  I am working with the fine folks at Twitter so when I get it up and running I will let you know.)
Or leave a comment on the blog


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Some good articles I ran across today 03/01/2012

Hey all,

Here are some links to articles I found today that are good reading and some timely info:

The 1st article gives great questions you should be able to answer before you get into any trade, even the credit spreads you see me do here.

The 2nd article is more general, but still good info.  It gives some good criteria for judging what would be a good trading system for you.  BUT remember the #1 step for a great trading system for you is:  The trading system is one you are comfortable with in terms of philosophy and rules that govern it.

The 3rd article gives a very basic primer on Iron Condors.  I included it since the past two weeks we have done Condors.  This does get a little technical with mentions of watching Deltas on your trade, so if you have any questions let me know.

Also I am putting another website here:  I just found this one today as well and it looks like a good info site.  The guys who run this seem to have a similar strategy to me - selling TV (Time Value) to make money.  When you sell credit spreads you're selling Time Value & hoping that the option legs expire worthless.  This is an example of a wasting asset.  The runners of this site do other strategies besides what I do but they are definitely worth a look. 

I am in no way endorsing them since they are a site that offers to do the trading for you.  I do not make any money from them nor am I soliciting them for any monies for this recommendation.  I have read over their site and thought it could be useful to the readers of this blog and that is it.

As always if you have any questions or comments email, Twitter or leave a comment.  Coming Soon will be a Facebook site!!!



Trade put on this AM

Hey Folks!
Ok, here goes the second week of blogging the trade right after I do it.  I tried to put this trade in yesterday, but was stopped out.  I always enter these spreads trades as day trades, meaning that if they don’t get filled by the end of the day they are cancelled out.  So here is the trade that I was able to get into first thing this morning.  The prices for these options are changing dramatically but the general idea is still looking good.
This trade is another condor.  I know I said I rarely do these then do two in a row, but the technical are really lining up for this type of trade.  Here are the details:
RUT     795     Put     ($0.57)
RUT     805     Put       $1.12
RUT     835     Call      $0.74
RUT     845     Call     ($0.29)             This trade should give a Net Credit of $1.00 or 10.00% ROI

1.       The RUT chart is leveling out.  Right now it is in a channel between the 830 and 810 price points as seen by the purple.  the trade parameters are the white lines.
2.       The 835 price level for the call side is just above the 6 month high price for the index.  Also this is just above our channel. 
3.       The 805 price level is just outside our channel.  This is above the 795 price level that is the 2nd tier support level (actual number is 793, but 795 strike price is the closest to the actual number).  To make this trade much less risky but also much less profitable – ROI = 4.20% from 10.00% - the 795 or 800 price levels could have been used. 
4.       My probability calculator put the odds at 85.01% of RUT ending up between the upper put and lower call. 
5.       The trend for the week so far has been slightly downward for the RUT index by about 4 points.  This trade is right at the 1 Std. Dev. above AND below the strike price at time of trade.
6.       I did look at the other index option – SPX and NDX.  SPX had comparable ROI spreads, but the Friday AM settlement for the RUT pushed the RUT in front.  The NDX just didn’t have the ROI needed.  NDX is a hard index to get good ROI on unless it is traditional options expiration week.    
7.       Summation:
a.       The boundary strikes for the condor were just outside the channel shown in the charts
b.      The probability calculator gave a favorable percent of this trade ending up in my favor, although just barely at 85.01%
c.       I was able to get good ROIs at 1.0 Std Dev away from the strike price
DISCLAIMER:  Hashley Capital Management, LLC; as well as myself are not giving any trading advice.  All data is historical in nature and is intended for use as an educational tool.  Trading in options is risky and can result in loss of capital.  There is no attempt to sell any brokerage services or act as a broker or dealer by Hashley Capital Management, LLC.  Any forward looking comments on this blog are not attempts to solicit business for Hashley Capital Management, LLC.  If you choose to follow the same path and invest in the strategies and trades used by Hashley Capital Management, LLC after doing your own due diligence than that is your decision and yours alone. 
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