Monday, May 23, 2011


Hey folks,

I trade weekly options almost exclusively. Occasionally I dabble in covered calls, cashprotected puts and outright stock trades - but these are rarities. I will post here my weekly trades (although I will not put allocations of percentages of capital) right after I put on my trades. So far I am up for the year, but will not include those percentages right now. I am starting fresh with this week. I will put last weeks results here since I do have some Facebook and Twitter followers that are looking here as well.

Also on occasion I will talk food. I love to cook, even though life events have limited my kitchen exposure recently. As I kick that into gear I will put some items out there...could be recipies, or just adventures I have in the kitchen.

I am a big follower of politics, and occasional practitioner. Readers be aware - I am a registered Republican despite the best efforts of the GOP to disavow this fact. the primary grievance we have is that I do not automatically think that every idea spawned by a Democrat is automatically toxic and I do think if we are going to talk shared sacrifice then that means all of us - corporations, rich, middle class, poor - all of us need to pitch in.

There might be some other miscellaneous stuff from my life, but this is primarily a finance blog. I had a blog of stuff going on in my life and I might resurrect that if the material warrants it.

On to the good stuff!

I will put up my rationale for the trades when I make them. This way you can see what I and doing and why I am doing it.

Weekly Options Trades for Week ending May 20, 2011

Company Strikes Call/Put Profit/Loss %
NDX 2320-2290 Put 7.00%
GOOG 545-540 Call 4.10%
RUT 815-810 Put 6.20%

Weekly Return 5.87%

Covered Calls

VVUS Covered Calls on the $7 May options were called away. They were held for three months with a net return of 6.40%. No new Covered Calls are on right now, but looking for the next opportunity.

Till next time,
